Herron Ridge … Trials, Tribulations, & Some Good Stuff

Well the winter is upon us and the corn and bean fields around are picked pretty clean. Glad i planted turnips & radishes as they are now providing good hi carb food sources for the deer. Love seeing them with greens hanging out of their mouth eating the bulbs. Should help them bulk up a bit before winter.

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Good deal with those greens, Spud. Groceries ought to be a big help to your deer. Even under snow, those greens will have 'em digging for them.
Got a couple of wood duck houses up on the new pond. Going into year 3 and looks like some vegetation starting to form. Filled the bottom of the box with cedar chips. Add some silicone to the post to keep the critters from raiding the eggs in the nest.



After 7-8 years of growing switch grass in this field, I am going to nuke it. I will then place a wild flower pollinator mix. Amazing how much organic matter has been added, mulch above the 1" of decaying grass is about 2" of OM in the form of mulch.

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Prepping to attack the buckthorn and russian olive as it greens up this spring. The death squad are soap bottles filled with 1 part trypclopyr and 3 parts diesel with blue dye added.

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Have any wood ducks on the pond yet? I've seen a few around SE MN that are using the nearby river the past week to 10 days.
Have any wood ducks on the pond yet? I've seen a few around SE MN that are using the nearby river the past week to 10 days.

Not yet, even my old nesting boxes are quiet. Waiting for that late afternoon whistling.
Well spring is finally arriving and temps are rising. Saw my first garter snake and a small bass dart out from under the pier on the pond. Also saw this gal out looking for a nesting site.

Did you not feel the switch added much of a benefit to your farm? Or did you just want the pollinators more?
Did you not feel the switch added much of a benefit to your farm? Or did you just want the pollinators more?

The plan has evolved over the last few years ...

On my upper ground where I planted the switch its was for cover and increasing OM content. In these area the soil is more of a loamy sand, The larger SG areas which are 8-10 acres, I will be putting in beans and cover crop mixes. On the smaller 1-2 area areas of SG, they are located in the middle of multiple apple orchards which have 10-25 trees which need the pollinators.

Overall the SG was a benefit. Deer bedded in it, does used it as cover during the rut, and I have 7-8 years of OM added on top along with the large SG root system adding OM. It grew well with no maintenance required.
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A couple years ago we had a die off of all of the fish in our ponds. This year is the 2nd year I have been re-stocking them. The bags of fish need to be put in the pond water for about 30 minutes to even out the temp of the fish bag water. Too cold of water you are adding the fish to can shock and kill them. I stocked 2 ponds with bluegills, largemouth bass, fat head minnows and golden shiners. First time adding the golden shiners and I hope they add more forage for the bass.


Here is one of the large mouth bass.


Here are some golden shiners.

We did a stocking about two years ago. I have not really kept up with the results, but we used similar methods. Good luck on your stocking and thanks for sharing some great pictures of the process.
Planted about 14 acres of soy beans this spring. Have a problem child field that has not done well. It is about 4 acres and short on organic material. I never planted the switch grass there but should've. The soil is more of a sandy loam and always struggles during dry times.

I am planting a cover crop/food source mix to try and improve this field. The mix I am plantings is:
Sudan sorghum hybrid
Sun hemp
Survivor winter peas
Purple top turnips
Appin forage turnips
Barkant forage turnips
Ground hog radish
Ladino clover

The fun part was mixing the seed in a 5 gal pail with a cover. Did about 10 of these, great upper body workout '😂

I broadcasted the oats at 75 lbs/acre first. They would require the large opening on my seed drill and was worried about too much other smaller seed moving through. I then planted the seed mix with my Firminator.

I will come ack in the fall and overseed with WR & medium red clover.

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