Will this affect a buck?


5 year old buck +
My cousin found this shed on Monday and was wondering if having the extra bone on it and not on his skull it would affect the buck in any way? 20170208_2019521.jpg20170208_2020191.jpg
That one looks pretty bad. He probably did a lot of bleeding.
There was a little blood where the shed was but only drops.
Here are a few I've found that broke deep. I've never seen a big antler do it, just little ones.

I have dehorned 500+ lb calves before. A lot more bone comes out of their head than the ones in the picture. He will be OK.
I find lots of smaller antlers like that. I have no scientific study to prove it but I just think it's a young deer thing.
They just got them therefore they bang them around. Heck I've got pics of young bucks tinkling antlers in April if they still have them.

Guess their mom never told them they would fall off if they hit them to hard :)