Using old ammo….


5 year old buck +
So I have several boxes of old ammo my grandpa had. This stuff is fine to shoot through an old shotgun at upland game isn’t it? I don’t think it’s really worth anything? It’s not rusted or corroded nor has it been exposed to moisture. I have an older SxS shotgun that Im going to use for pheasants and I think these will be fine.

Any suggestions or would you say I should I just start bangin’?
I'd probably wait at least another 25 years. Jk I think you're safe to start bangin' those girls.
Hey Swiffy, check out the link below for what old shotshell boxes might sell for as collector items on Ebay.

I would not be afraid to shoot the shells, however, there could be the possibility of a dud. The worst case scenario is that you could get a dud and end up with a wad lodged in your barrel without knowing it. Then on the next shot you could split the barrel. I would recommend shooting them but just check your barrel before shooting again if something doesn't sound right. FWIW, I've shot old shotshells that old before with no issues. Good luck.
I didnt think you could sell ammo on ebay??? Im going to look into that.

Thanks guys!

Edit- Ahhh yes its just the empty boxes. Well I will shoot the shells and save the boxes then!
Don't let paypal know...... Was selling my old gun parts on ebay, then they said I had a policy violation and Gradded $800 that was in my account.

Shot plenty of old mauser rounds, no problems.

They're worth some money, not a crasy amount. PRobably get $35-50 for them is my guess. I'd keep a box, sell the rest. Not much of that old stuff around.

Goex powder used to make their stuff in metal tins not too long ago. I see the empties are going for what I paid for them at a gun show not too long ago.
The box is worth more than the ammo. Shoot the shells and keep or sell the boxes.
I've still got some shot shells (and rifle rounds) from the 1940's. Never had a dud. Gave most of them away now as I do not own that gauge. 16 Gauge.
I had a press setup, clear bottle full of powder, in a window, non-climate controlled garage for about 12 years unused. When it came time to move it, I loaded that old sun baked powder into trap loads and they shot just fine.

If they are old remington rifle rounds, made in Lonoke, green and yellow box, do not shoot them.