What is this and how do i handle it?


5 year old buck +
20240518_152844.jpgSome of the apple trees in my home orchard are experiencing these caterpillar homes, my father in law says to burn them, is there a way to spray the "nest" without damaging the tree or is burning my best option?
Malathion works good. Soak it i have a wand extension for my spayer. Probably could use a atv sprayer.
Google Bt for plants. Pretty safe organic option for webs to high to reach with a pole saw. I usually just try to cut out the web early morning and stomp the crap out of it. If later in day most of the buggers are out feeding and not in the nest. Evening works too but don't live on my property so do the early morning routine
Tent caterpillar. Try biological warfare(Bacillus thuringiensis).
When I have a nest like that on a non-essentially limb, I just prune the limb off and throw it into my woods. I did three like that in the past hour.
I've been spraying the ones on my property with Bifenthrin. Early morning works best when they're in the nest.
When I have a nest like that on a non-essentially limb, I just prune the limb off and throw it into my woods. I did three like that in the past hour.
You're just giving them another chance to come back. Unless of course you throw them on your neighbors land.
I throw the branches so far away in my pines that I think they starve or get eaten while trying to find their way back. It possibly not the 100% solution, but it seems to control them.
I was noticing the birds last week. The birds were on thr mature trees eating bugs. Think young trees dont offer perxh or predayor protection. Thinking thatd why young ones get hit harder.

Look ibyo tsnglefoot. Atleast they cant hit another tree.

If youre organic. I dont think that tent would like a hit of sulphur or vinegar .

Malathion is availsble at tractor supply if you need a insecticide quick. My young tree did just fine with a 1.5oz / gallon dose of bonide fruit tree spray. Has some sevin and malathion.
I just take a long stick and run back and forth through the nest until it is destroyed. Never saw one come back after doing that. With a little practice it's easy to roll them up on the end of the stick and then stomp them. No need to spray.
Only talked about spraying when you can't get to them. Some sprayers go 30 ft easy. Sticks or pole saws don't reach that far
I've used Seven on them. Easy to kill but you don't want them to get away from ya, they'll defoliate a while damn tree. Around here they seem to like walnuts and pecan more than most other trees.
I break open and spray with bifan.If you prune put in black trash bag ans leave in sun for a day.I believe the malithian is not near what it used to be.
They are tent caterpillars and will defoliate your tree very quickly. Spray the nest and any live caterpillars with malathion.

Then check in the winter for egg nests. They look like tiny caviar groups wrapped around a branch. Pull those off and throw out with trash or burn.
What are those small groups of tiny orange eggs. Each egg is like a flake of pepper sized. Groups are smalll buttom sized on bottom of leaves. Looked like they showed us last week or two.
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I cut the nests down and smashed them. I'll pick up some treatment this week because I'm sure they'll be back or I missed some.
Oh and btw, I was out there this morning before sunrise and there were more caterpillars outside the nests than inside. Seemed like more were inside last evening.
Weather will affect when they leave and return home. I scout my orchard for the egg sacks over winter. Didn't find any this year, but just found 3 webs on the serviceberry near my garden. I cut them out and tossed them in the burn barrel while it was going.
I just roll them around with a stick and then put in 5 gallon bucket and carry to my pond and then toss in for fish food. The fish love them and fun to watch them pop them as they wiggle around in the water. You could always spray the nest site afterwords if worried about a few left over but I usually don't worry about them. I also shake off my roses in bucket of water to get the Japanese beetles then toss water in pond, fish go crazy.