Pear Seedling Rootstock Source?


5 year old buck +
I'm in the process of figuring out my grafting plan for next spring. I need non-dwarfing pear rootstock hardy to zone 5a. Has anyone found a source for pear seedling rootstock with a lot of roots on it? I'd order from Blue Hill again, but they are not sure yet whether they will have any available for next spring.

If you know of a good supplier, but don't want to disclose its name on here, please send me a private message. Thanks.
Keep in mind that seedling root stock for pears will more than likely mean you wont see fruit for SEVERAL years. That is why it is not generally an option when purchasing trees. You can try Willamette Valley Nursery in OR they could likely be sold out for next year already though.
I planted OHxF 97, 7/16" caliper from CopenHaven Farms this spring. I'll top work them once they have gotten big enough.
I bought from Cummins nursery. They have plenty in stock
I bought from Fedco. Lower percentage takes than apples (Mileage will vary, I'm a relative novice at grafting). Financially you might be better off buying plants. I was happy with the trees from century farms orchard.
Thank you, all of you who responded.
Just closing the loop... I placed my order for Bartlett seedling rootstock with Central Washington Nursery.
Update: The Bartlett seedling rootstock I ordered from Central Washington Nursery arrived today. I ordered 150 3/8" caliper rootstocks. They are 3/8" on the cut end. The bases are generally 1/2" to 3/4" caliper. They have more roots than I was anticipating. The cost of the trees, boxing, and shipping to Wisconsin came out to $2.24 per rootstock. I am pleased.
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Didn’t see this thread when it was first posted.

I’ve always bought my pear rootstock from Cummins OH97.
My luck grafting pears is way lower than apples/crabs maybe 25%, don’t know why they seem to not take as well.
From my limited interactions with that nursery, it seemed to me like the owners/operators are always out hunting for something somewhere in some mountains somewhere with no cellphone reception, so don't expect a quick call back. They didn't even ask for any down payment on the order before shipping. They simply mailed me an invoice after shipping it.
Hopefully your Bartlett seedling pear experience goes better than mine I tried something like 50, bench grafted them , potted them out grew them at home, heeled them in for winter all looked great. Next spring they all appeared dead, and stayed that way. I see I have about 6 that have comeback from the root stocks after multiple year die backs. I havent had the guts to try them again... getting the itch. If I do try not 100% sure I would will go with Bartlett seedlings - may have been something I did but pretty much zero survival. and If I do them I will direct plant the rootstocks and wait a year or two or three and field graft - seems like people have better luck.

Keep us up on this planting - im assuming this these are going on your land up here in the NW. Would love to hear how they turn out, might encourage me to try again.
They’ll get planted in the Central Sands area of the state. Less than 1% organic matter in the soil. I planted some from Lawyer Nursery on Bartlett seeding in 2008 and they grew faster than Dolgo seedlings for me. I bench grafted and planted wild pear from Blue Hill a couple years ago in spots where even quack grass won’t grow. Most of those are doing well.

Of the 150 Bartlett seedling rootstocks, 2 showed no green in their cambium layer, so I discarded them.

I ran short on scions, so I did all single bud grafts. I did cleft grafts and used 1/4" long twigs that I cut off the rootstocks as wedges (upside down) on the opposite side from the scions. I used plumber's tape on some and electrical tape (inside out) on some. Then I dipped them in 50/50 wax.

The Ely Pear was quite difficult to graft, because although the outside of the scions looked straight, the wood grain was not. I did only four of those.

I ran out of scions before I could graft the last nine rootstocks, so I have nine rootstocks growing that are not grafted, which leaves me evaluating 139 bench grafts.

I used two year old wood for scions toward the end.

I potted all the trees.

So far, nine of the scions have sent new growth out through the wax. The scions on many of the other grafts have cracked the wax. Whether they have taken, I don't know. Only time will tell.
I got OHxF 97 from fedco. This will be their 3rd year in the ground and doing well in 5b. I had about 50% of my grafts take.
As of today, 22% of the scions are showing green. For some varieties, half or more are showing green. For some other varieties, none are showing any green yet. Only 1 of the 9 rootstocks I potted without grafting is showing green so far, and since the grafts are ahead of those so far, I am optimistic.
Results so far:
Dr. Deer 0%
Ely 25%
Gilmore Christmas 71%
Honey Sweet 0%
Malus 20%
Ms. Laneene 14%
Rifle Deer 8%
Sweet Advent 29%
Winter Deer 85%
Poorsand, since your doing so many trees, do some rootstock work. Just let a few of each kind go on their own, see which is doing better. I am doing a b118 vs anty vs dolgo at camp. 3 of each. Might be only 2 dolgo. Got a few at risk log landings that might be wrecked by loggers. So the 3 to 5 year eindow ill use as knowledge gained. Land is leased, not owned, so loggers win most any didpute over clubs renting.

Less is known abput foodplotting pears, atleast on here it seems.

Less than 1% orgwnuc matter. Contact a tree service company the lical power company uses. Maybe they csn dump wood chips at your camp. Sonetimes folks who log your land can give you a pile of chips too.