What is this and how do i handle it?

Another thing I do. I spray the shrubs and trees next to my apple trees too. Under my trees at hone are mowed. However, several guys on here spray the ground around the tree too.
We always called them bag worms around here. I had a nest on a young plum tree right at the base. I tore it down several times and they came back, I finally tore it down and sprayed it with wasp killer (it's what I had in the buggy) and they all died. They had stripped most of the leaves from the tree, but it has made a nice come back.

Just tear nest open and spray,What we call bag worms usually build on cedars but also some times other trees,They can also be sprayed with bifan and killed.Or you can squeeze the bags to smash the worms
I just removed about a dozen from my orchard a few days ago as well. I just snipped off the nest and burnt them. I went back yesterday and I see a new one is forming. I will grab that one once they get a nest going as well.