stumbled onto a cultipacker deal


5 year old buck +
lf you have ever heard the expression " even a blind squirrel finds a nut in the woods sometimes" that would apply to me this weekend. I have been looking for a 7 foot cultipacker in WI for quite a while. My helpers dad drove the 25 miles one way to visit him last week. He takes the back roads well, just because. He happened to see some old farm implements parked near the road. He never saw them before because the area was really overgrown and not mowed or maintained. He spotted a cultipacker. No "for sale" sign or anything of that manner. The farmer was not home, so he stopped at a neighbors and got the phone number of the owner. The information was relayed to me and I told the owner I would come up to hunt this weekend and look at the cultipacker on my way to my land.

This farmer lost his wife last year and was moving from the farm. He was clearing out all his old equipment. It was not advertised on Craigslist or any where else and had just been put up for sale in the last week. I bought an eight foot over all length single axle cultipacker that has a 7 foot working coverage area. All the cast iron wheels are in good shape. It needs both end bearings as the wood ones on it are old and need replacing. The owner ran over the 4''x4'' tongue while moving it so he welded on a steel replacement. Not a great job but it will do. A bonus right there as when I saw the 4''x4' wood it was rotten. He wanted $250 for it but I got it for $200 by telling him the bearing job will cost me $50 to $100. I have a signed receipt per my accountant's request.

My helper will be picking it up this week. It is less than 10 miles from his house. The farmer will load it onto a 16 foot flat bed trailer with a skid steer. It will be repaired on the trailer at my helpers place, driven the 7 miles to my farm, and then off loaded with the FEL of my Kubota at my farm. No brand name on it. It has 15 inch cast iron discs and it alternates a smooth one with one that has teeth on it for the length of the axle. I believe it is a 1 3/4 inch axle so I might be able to get pillow block bearings with zircs for my replacements. The frame is rusty but solid. I could not get the money out of my wallet fast enough after I inspected the implement. My 34 HP 4x4 Kubota will have no problem pulling this cultipacker and it will overlap by 6 inches on each side the rear tire foot print of the Kubota.
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Nice job now hopefully that luck will carry over this hunting season. I never have luck like that.
Congrats on the find, you really lucked out.
Yes being observant on the back roads is a good way to get deals but you have to be patient sometimes for a few years. Got my cultipacker in the same way. Caught my eye too when there was a sign propped up that had $300 crossed out and replaced with $100....ok twist my arm! The wood tongue musta come apart during transport by the road as well since a new 4 x 4 was laying in the grass beside it. I just put it together with a galv pipe instead.

Hot deals on craigslist are very short lived. Spent over a year looking for a boat with a list of my wants and yes more than a day late and dollar short on quite a few before I got unto one an hour after it was posted on a Sunday night....