ADVICE, RM43 and lawn growth


Yearling... With promise
I applied RM43 to 1.5 acres on my property in preparation of planting grass seed. I was told to use 43% glyphosate, so that's what I thought I used. I didn't fully read the restrictions on the label until it was too late. My plan was to seed in early May which needs to get pushed back to autumn most likely mid October. Anyone see a big problem with that?

Would tilling the acreage sometime between now and before seeding be a good or bad idea? I appreciate any and all feedback.
Glyphosate is deactivated and is ineffective when it hits dirt so I don’t see a problem with seeding grass in May. Does RM43 have additional chemicals in it?
It also has Imazapyr which prevents new growth…as much as up to a year per the label.
I have no experience with RM43. I was curious after reading your post. I did what I always do before I offer comments on such things. The label I read had glyphosate at 43% and imazapyr at 0.78%. I have used both herbicides individually. To get the total claimed vegetation control after the initial application wildly marketed you would need to spill several gallons of the product in a small area! Up to a year? Friend, it's your decision but if you want to seed in early May I think you will be ok - especially if you get some rain between now and then.

IF (note the BIG letters), if the amount of imazapyr applied WAS consequential, tillage would have no affect. Me, I would leave the soil alone because the herbicide breaks down quickly when exposed to lots of water and sunshine.
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Thank you FarmerDan. I appreciate your comments/feedback. As my handle implies, I'm new at this. I'll leave the soil alone and heavily consider seeding...especially if we get a lot of rain.

I had an excavator grade and level all around the house and barn before spraying. He wasn't able to run over the septic, so there's crabgrass/dandelions/other weeds covering that area. The remainder is bare dirt for a grand total of 1.5 acres. For reference, I used roughly 3.5 gallons on 1.5 acres.
Clarify? 3.5 gallons of concentrate or 3.5 gallons of finished spray? Concentrate is what comes in the container you buy and mix with, most likely, water. The concentrate and water is the finished spray...
3.5 gallons of concentrate. I was using a backpack sprayer which holds 4 gallons. I was roughly mixing 8oz of concentrate per one gallon of water, roughly filling the sprayer 14 times.
3.5 gallons of concentrate. I was using a backpack sprayer which holds 4 gallons. I was roughly mixing 8oz of concentrate per one gallon of water, roughly filling the sprayer 14 times.
I think I need to reconsider my thoughts. That's a lot of weed control!

With apologies I will retract my statements. Follow the label guidelines.
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I wanted to make sure I got good coverage. In doing so, I'm sure I made it so that nothing will grow for sometime.

I'm going to stick to my plan of mid October.
rm43 certainly does not keep the weeds out of my gravel for a year. Not sure if your lawn will bounce back soon. I'd try a test patch of seed asap before reseeding the whole thing.