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  1. PatinPA

    Another Neighbor Thread

    The county GIS has one side of my property clearly wrong. It's odd shaped and I think whoever drew the line didn't want to deal with it. It's also way off in the one corner where 3 properties come together. I've looked at over and over and I can't figure it out. There are multiple stakes...
  2. PatinPA

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    Ok now I'm down $30. I'd like to formally apologize to all of you for buying in and ruining all of your investments. haha
  3. PatinPA

    Blue Hill Nursery Sale

    They're located not far from me. We had a very mild winter and temps in the 60's and 70's in March. Probably why they're budded out so early. They dig them up and put them in a pole barn type building. Not sure how long before they ship them that they do that though.
  4. PatinPA

    Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

    Man they are building hospitals and doctor's offices all over the place in central PA. UPMC and Hershey seem to be in a war like Rite Aid and CVS were. There are two brand new hospitals within 5 miles of each other in the last 10 years plus numerous upgrades and expansions.
  5. PatinPA

    Lesson Learned in small plot in the oaks

    If you can get a mower there, just mow them up. I plant a lot of rye too. That seems to help keep the leaves off as they resume growing in the spring.
  6. PatinPA

    Properties listed with unapproved Parcel split and easement

    Not sure what your plans are too but sometimes easements are just for vehicle access. If you ever plan to build something the easement may not include utility access.
  7. PatinPA

    What do think might cause this?

    I thought it might be mange. There are quite a few mangy looking foxes around. I'm not sure how it affects deer though.
  8. PatinPA

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    haha. In between, much closer to $1 than $1 million by quite a lot. So much closer to genius. Ha
  9. PatinPA


    Walnut nuts, the hulls will start out green and turn black and get mushy.
  10. PatinPA


    That is a hickory nut hull. Walnuts will be much bigger and if they've been laying around, they'll stain your hands black. I don't believe deer eat hickory nuts but the squirrels will love them.
  11. PatinPA

    What do think might cause this?

    What do you think might cause this?
  12. PatinPA

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    Haha I owe all of you for most of it. I put the majority in the standard S&P 500 and some other less risky plays but then kept some to play around with I guess. Bought some Valero and others based on info you guys all provided. We'll see what happens. I apologize if the market crashes. I'm...
  13. PatinPA

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    Alright. I finally started an investment account with Fidelity. I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm up $14.62 in two days so I must basically be a genius. hahaha
  14. PatinPA

    Do radishes typically start growing again in the spring?

    Sorry yes it was a purple top turnip.
  15. PatinPA

    Do radishes typically start growing again in the spring?

    Went to check things out this past weekend and noticed the radishes I planted last fall appear to be growing again. We had a very mild winter. Is this common? Also I'm amazed how big some of them got. This one was bigger than a softball.
  16. PatinPA

    Frost seeding/over seeding timing?

    I'm trying some "frost" seeding this year although it was just 77 the other day. Now back in the 30's. We'll give a shot though.
  17. PatinPA

    Ha ha

    I have the original deed to my property saved somewhere, I remember it having mention of a fence post and a corner oak tree as markers. Shockingly when they built a cabin on it, they later found out it was built off their property and ended up doing a land swap with the neighboring farm, which...
  18. PatinPA

    As they lay thread…

    The last time I checked my cameras I still had 5 buck with both sides. That was early to mid February. I was pretty surprised.
  19. PatinPA

    Deer Camp Thread

    We have a family camp in Northern PA but I've never even deer hunted out of it. Used to go up for spring gobbler, which I plan on going up for starting again this year. I've been going on a WV trip to archery hunt since I was in college (25 years ago now) but we stay in a rental house made for...
  20. PatinPA

    What is the Fix For This?

    I've seen that done in a construction project. There's a process called FDR (Full Depth Reclamatiom) where they grind up the roadway while mixing in portland cement at around 5% by weight. It works really well in that application. It would dry up and solidify your soil there but I'm just not...