Anybody Purchase a Cultipacker from This Company?

Natty Bumppo

5 year old buck +
Hey I finish up the logging and lot clearing on my new land I am starting to think more about food plots. I've got a 40 Horse JD 990, tons of implements, just no cultipacker. Here in northwest Mass. there is really no ag. The farms are mostly all dairy farms. Thus, cultipackers rarely come up for sale locally. I have not seen one advertised on Craigslist in the past year, though I do see this company (Edwards Implement Co.) advertising quite frequently.

Just wondering if anybody has purchased one from them. I like that I can have one custom made to my specs. Thinking about ordering one from them....just looking for any feedback. I'm guessing many of you guys can find good used cultipackers locally for half the cost.

Thanks in advance.
They look sturdy enough. I didn't see the prices anywhere.
Cultipackers are hard to find. I paid through the nose for my first one cause there where none to be found. Like always, once I didn't need one I found one cheap.
I question how well it hold would hold up as they just use straight plates on bearing ends and very little bracing through out. All it takes is to forget to lift on tight turn and a lot of stress gets put on it. I bought King Kutter new was in 1000.00 dollar range. I use with 38 HP Tractor. I prefer the wheel on KK versus smooth type. I also like KK for being able to add weight easy a cement chimney block fits in place nicely.
Thanks guys. Good input. Going to check out the KK packer.