Successful turkey hunt? Depends.


5 year old buck +
Neither myself nor my hunting buddy put a tom turkey in the freezer yesterday on Wisconsin's opening spring turkey hunt. However for the time spent visiting, sitting in the blind and watching turkeys and the oak savanna come alive it was a great success.

The morning was very cold, windy and rainy with some heavy showers. I got in my blind about 5:15 , my buddy walked in and joined me about 5:45 after setting his brand new hen decoy out about 20 yards.

We had a total of 2 toms, we let both pass, 1 hen and 7 jakes visit thru the course of the morning and early afternoon. This one Jake , poor guy, spent a total of a hour loving on that brand new decoy! I thought I was going to have to buy my buddy a new replacement, he really worked it over. lol

View from the blind


Jake and decoy


Sorry for the poor video quality and wind noise.

Fun hunt! Haha yeah that thing got violated. Beautiful spot for a hunt.
Beautiful pics!
Fun hunt! Haha yeah that thing got violated. Beautiful spot for a hunt.
Thank you so much! I purchased the land Jan of 2017 and have devoted a ton of time and resources , and had the help of some really good folks, family , friends and yes, even folks from the DNR, USFW and some NGO's that deal with habitat.

I feel like the results are starting to shape up. That spot looking out from my deer blind is one of my favorite vantage points. I find myself sitting in the blind with my camera durning non hunting season at times and just enjoying.
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Beautiful pics!
Thank you!

Here is another from that set of Jake on decoy pictures.

From looking at my buddy's decoy I can understand why he paid $90 for it. A far cry from my two flat foam stitched together cut out of a turkey with a bit of color painted on and plastic rod to stick it in the ground. lol.

And a few more.

This Jake spent about 1/2 hour the first time, finally gave up, wandered off and returned about 20 minutes later and spent another half hour!
The second time when he came back my buddy and I had got used to him, we were talking, moving around in the blind, eating snacks, taking pictures and even though he was only 20 yards and knew we were there, never really gave us a second look. A man on a mission! lol
