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    ID this Forb

    It has been identified my man. False sunflower is a great forb in native grass mixes. They come up native all over my place. I consider them similar to ragweed
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    Your best fall mix?

    I’ve never seen a deer eat a brassica! Ha
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    ID this Forb

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    Help with interpreting soil tests

    I think test looks good fog. I wouldn’t do a thing except what you have been doing.
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    Sorghum-Sudangrass and Soybeans

    You can use igrowth Milo and Clearfield sunflowers with the soybeans. Then use imox or imazethapyr for weeds.
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    Your best fall mix?

    I like to mix rye/wheat/oats. 100-150lbs. About 3-4 clovers. A little buckwheat. And 3 brassicas at about 3lbs total.
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    Friends Wisconsin turkey bonus tag hunt

    That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing
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    Spraying Shaded vs Full Sun Invasives

    Yeah. Need to know what you sprayed and rate. Also many invasive require multiple spraying. Very few of the bad actors go away when sprayed once.
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    Bale Blind question

    Do you think deer know the difference? Once they are used to it I think adding something might actually be worse.
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    Dodged the winter kill

    Not really with annuals. It often terminates them. I would let it grow for a while longer then mow it once or twice this summer. Looks good my man
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    Dodged the winter kill

    Are you going to plant a summer crop? If not I would wait till all that clover produces mature seed before you mow it.
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    Been a hard few days at my house.

    3. Check 4. Check 5. Check
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    Perennial Plot Questions

    I have found that Imox has about the two month residual, imazathrpyr has four months.
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    The Sweet Clover Thread

    Imox will smoke the rye It’s my understanding sweet clover is a biennial, so you won’t see it at peak until year two.
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    Northern Lights

    Alabama last night. Never thought I would see it here.
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    Research on planting techniques

    Awesome info.
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    Research on planting techniques

    I can see how it would be a difficult transition for a small farmer who lives on what he brings in yearly. A lot of risk and a bit like jumping right into the deep end.
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    Research on planting techniques

    Appears he hasn’t read up enough on cover crops and no till. At the least he should be using less passes with tractor not more. I wouldn’t look at one farmers mistakes and say cover crops and no till are bad
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    Research on planting techniques

    It looks like some form of conservation farming is the norm, with complete no till farming approaching 50%.
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    Research on planting techniques

    1/3! You’re getting off easy. I don’t trust a word if their mouth is moving.