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  1. I

    Cleaning and freezing catfish?

    The cold saltwater is a VITAL step for the fillets. I can’t believe I forgot to add that! We even do this with crappie fillets. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Cleaning and freezing catfish?

    Depends on the size. You can only bleed them when they’re alive, so it becomes obvious when the blood flow basically stops. When running trot lines, we would let them bleed in the bottom of the boat until we got to the end of the line, then we would toss them all into an ice chest full of ice...
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    Cleaning and freezing catfish?

    We used to run trot lines specifically for catfish when I grew up before we switched to black crappie (for taste) and striped/white bass (for the fun). We learned a few tricks along the way for best cleaning and storage practices. First order of business is species selection. Down here in...
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    how to repel wild turkeys

    Just trap them and send them to me… My area has basically zero turkey left. They just closed the season in my area of the county due to population decline. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Tick Talk

    I tuck my pants into my rubber boots for this reason. It is MUCH hotter on your feet, but forces the ticks onto the treated clothing. I also wear long T-shirts so that they stay well tucked in. That way they can’t get to skin at my waist line either. I have yet to have a tick make it to my...
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    Keep gravel drive weed free

    Or this… a land plane and some somewhat regular passes would absolutely take care of the weeds. And, you’d have the smoothest driveway in town. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Keep gravel drive weed free

    This seems like a perfect job for a weed burner. Organic growing operations use them for weed control, and it is best timed when plants are seedlings. Production units are a bit pricy, but they shouldn’t be too hard to put together yourself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Tick Talk

    Most of the risk from permethrin is when it is liquid.. and let’s be honest, it has less of a chance of giving me cancer than the plastics we use for plumbing/clothing/and food storage do of disrupting my hormones… I apply it to clothing with proper PPE and allow to fully dry. Run it through a...
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    Your best fall mix?

    A local seed company does a fall deer mix every year, and that’s usually what I go with. Wheat 12%, Oats 12%, Rye 12%, Barley 12%, Triticale 12%, Winterpeas 10%, Crimson Clover 4%, Berseem Clover 4%, Turnips 4%, Rape 4%, Arrowleaf Clover 4%, Yellow Blossom Clover 4%, Vetch 3%, Alfalfa 2%...
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    Encouraging Article on CWD in Missouri

    So much so that this forum basically wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the QDMA deleting their forum primarily because everyone was recommending not spending all the money on name brand food plot seed, the very same name brands that “sponsored” QDMA. I’m definitely not still bitter about that…...
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    Native Hunter Apples 2023

    That is good to know on the Dolgo. I rescued 6 Winesap apples trees from a local orchard that were going to be thrown into the dumpster. One of my friend’s wives is an employee and got the owner to give them to me for free on the chance I could save them. When I plant them out, I am going to...
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    As they lay thread…

    A REALLY nice one!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    $70.00 cam

    Ya, the external batteries and solar panels work well, but I am putting cameras mostly on public land, and a solar panel or big battery is a sure fire way of getting a camera found and stolen. I am considering just using the cameras I have now and as they die, not replacing them. If I do keep...
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    $70.00 cam

    I had zero problems with the 2017-2020 maybe even 2021. I was up to 12 of them. All of my newer ones, though, are lemons. IR flash range is horrible, videos set to 15 seconds often times recording only 1 or 2. Randomly acting like the power is off with the power button still set to on. Not as...
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    $70.00 cam

    I have had problems with the dark ops and spec ops produced in the last 2 years. They used to be all I run, but I will be switching to GardePro for a while. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Post Timber Harvest Tips

    This is only true if your tree density is too thick to allow a savannah type understory. If you are still almost completely closed canopy, burning helps very little. The overall problem is the density, not the burning. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    $70.00 cam

    The GardePro T5NG is back in stock at Trailcam Pro per an email they sent me this morning. Price is up on them at $89.95 for an individual, 79.98 each if you buy a pair, or $77.49 for a box of 4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    $70.00 cam

    I believe they sold through the entirety of the T5NG production run. trail cam pro is the exclusive seller of that particular model at the moment, as their input was instrumental in several design changes to the older gardepro design. I didn’t get a chance to order and, but have a buddy that...
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    Post Timber Harvest Tips

    Establish a fire break around the exterior and start a burn rotation. If they are leaving tops, I would do a dormant season burn first. After the extra fuel load of the tops have been burned, I would rotate between growing season and dormant season burns based on how thick or thin the lower...
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    $70.00 cam

    Dang… No T5NG listed. I guess that is a trail cam pro exclusive item. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk