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  1. C

    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    Is there enough stump to try hack and squirt? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. C

    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    Thanks! That’s what I love about this forum—being willing to share your experiences and ‘gotchas’ to help others. They do sprout like crazy! When we bought the farm, there was very little browse. So much that in the winter, the deer were stripping honey locusts of the bark. The first couple...
  3. C

    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    Ya. What he said. [emoji6] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    Thanks! We are thankful. Re: carbon load—this will be our first time planting it. Re: nitroboost (NB)—last fall, I tested by drilling it alongside GreenCover’s fall release (FR) and a brassica mix in the same plot. FR and NB performed about the same—both strong earlier in the fall, and then...
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    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    Thanks, SD. I can confirm that it is HV. I noticed it in a couple plots where it was in the mix we planted last fall. I watched the GC video. I’ve got some contacts at GC, so maybe I’ll drop him a note to see if they had any challenges with volunteer. Will definitely keep an eye on it. It will...
  6. C

    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    Good article. Thanks!
  7. C

    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    Gotcha! That makes good sense.
  8. C

    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    Checked on the hybrid willow stakes we planted a couple weeks ago. Tested several methods for weed control: - sprayed the orchard grass with GLY a week before planting (vrs doing no herbicide) - poked them through a couple layers of newspaper. - cut up some boxes ~2’ by 2’ and cut a hole to...
  9. C

    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    How many lbs per acre were your grains? Ours look MUCH thinker. We over seeded WR in Sept at about 50lbs/acre. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. C

    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    Thanks for the feedback! Interesting. Maybe we‘ll mow half of them and compare results this summer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. C

    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    Summer Food Plot Program Yesterday, we planted half of our summer plots. Love going no-till. We have had an TON of rain, including just two days ago. But we were still able to run the drill without getting it plugged up. Each season, I try to test a few different methods. This summer, we are...
  12. C

    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    Doing some more googling when I got home, that was thinking as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. C

    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    Love seeing the beautiful reflection in the water. And anyone able to ID this duck? Swam within 20 yards of my dad fishing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. C

    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    Had 3 trumpeter swans come within 50 feet of me on the pond. Unfortunatly, my phone had died. Came back later and got some pics of the pond. With the 2" rain, it raised the water level above the moss so it looks much nicer than it usually does. We are thankful for the rain. This is the...
  15. C

    Williams Creek Farm of SW Iowa

    Full day yesterday... * Planted 50 hybrid willows for a road screen * Planted 25 plum trees * Had a coon curled up on a tree stand * Flagged our CRP, so our renter knows where the CRP ends, and his field begins * Saw 3 trumpter swans on one of our ponds * Friend brought his 4 kids and caught...
  16. C

    They continue to impress me

    We are overrun with coyotes in my area. Have an impact for sure. Some bobcats. Rumors of a mountain lion every couple years. No bears or wolves. For the game birds, raccoon are crazy thick. We trapped 40+ in 3 weeks this spring. They just made it legal to trap year round. Sent from my...
  17. C

    They continue to impress me

    If I were from out of state, I would probably feel the same way about OOS land owners regs. However, I moved back to Iowa in 2006 and have enjoyed the benefits of that decision. Anecdotally, I have been to about a dozen farm auctions in the past year and I’ve yet to know of a single one to be...
  18. C

    CWD and EHD article. Which kills more deer?

    I think this is the most level-headed article that I’ve read on the CWD topic. By Dr. James Kroll. “Therefore, killing thousands of deer will do nothing to eradicate CWD! Now, CWD certainly should...
  19. C

    New Hope Creek Home

    Great thread! Your description sounds very much like our farm, just a couple hours north of you. Are you doing any of the cedar removal and burns with any cost-share through NRCS/EQIP? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. C

    New Hope Creek Home

    So glad no major damage on your building. My sons in Lincoln got some amazing video footage of the tornado that went through Waverly. Thankfully, they were both south and north of our farm, so no damage. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk