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  1. Derek Reese 29

    Stark Bros Sale

    Darn you guys and talking me into another tree..had to replace a vole-chewed Wolf River with a cheap Winesap…
  2. Derek Reese 29

    Funny video..Dad tries to save his tree Admit it, we would do this (and maybe have already) but probably only for a good sized fruit tree, not an ornamental in the yard… I know we would all be sadly...
  3. Derek Reese 29

    Will grafts be affected by cold?

    I thought they woulda dried out by now but I guess that parafilm is some good stuff…hoping the rest of them take off soon!
  4. Derek Reese 29

    Will grafts be affected by cold?

    I just couldn’t believe it when I saw some leaves popping..I thought they had been gone for a month
  5. Derek Reese 29

    Will grafts be affected by cold?

    Very weird occurrence here in Northern PA..grafted maybe 2 dozen crabs/apples/pears back in early April and thought that I am just terrible at this because none of them worked…now they are just starting to pop! Would there be a reason for this or does it just take this long usually? Shown are a...
  6. Derek Reese 29

    Anything I can do to help new trees survive being chewed on by caterpillars?

    Think that one’s a turkey crab from whitetail crabs
  7. Derek Reese 29

    Anything I can do to help new trees survive being chewed on by caterpillars?

    Here’s some pics of the carnage… These were Harrison, golden hornet, gray ghost and turkey note it seems like the full sized apples are chewed on the hardest…hit them with another good spray of Sevin today..
  8. Derek Reese 29

    Anything I can do to help new trees survive being chewed on by caterpillars?

    Nah these guys have little like spider web things that they blow in on. A lot of my hardest hit trees are in the middle of a field, as they were blown there.
  9. Derek Reese 29

    Anything I can do to help new trees survive being chewed on by caterpillars?

    They go after everything, but think they like the nice new tender leaves on new trees.
  10. Derek Reese 29

    Anything I can do to help new trees survive being chewed on by caterpillars?

    So I missed a few days of spraying in a row with Sevin on my newly planted (this spring and last fall) crabs/apples/pears and some of them got whacked pretty hard by Gypsy moth caterpillars. I did hit all of them thoroughly with Sevin tonight but it is now raining and will be cool and wet for...
  11. Derek Reese 29

    Gly spray didn't work?

    I would give it a bit I sprayed around the cage edges of my fruit trees and a small section of reed canary grass with the same gly you described at 5 oz/gal about 2.5 weeks ago it took till this week to notice the burn down but it did a great job. I think the plants just hold it till it gets a...
  12. Derek Reese 29

    Chestnut crab leaf issue..what to do

    This is the first year I’ve gotten blossoms after planting spring 2021 so I’m pretty of the trees nearby that doesn’t get hit as hard is a hewes crab which is right up there as one of my favorites..about golf ball size but very smooth and sweet taste
  13. Derek Reese 29

    Chestnut crab leaf issue..what to do

    I think I even have some of that!!
  14. Derek Reese 29

    Chestnut crab leaf issue..what to do

    I would totally do that, but I want some fruit from this tree! Especially after a couple guys on here said chestnut was good to eat!
  15. Derek Reese 29

    Chestnut crab leaf issue..what to do

    Finally snagged some pics while mowing today…any thoughts on what it could be or how to help it?
  16. Derek Reese 29

    Chestnut crab leaf issue..what to do

    Thanks for the replies fellas I just think it’s strange that this tree out of the other 5+ dozen seems to have its leaves get chomped most every year…
  17. Derek Reese 29

    Chestnut crab leaf issue..what to do

    Got a sweet little Chestnut crab on M7 rootstock from Turkey Creek that has been in the ground 3 years and is just starting to bud out..have noticed that it’s leaves have been chewed on by something even now and saw a few small brown-green beetles on the leaves yesterday..really want this tree...
  18. Derek Reese 29

    Norway Spruce Screen Decisions

    Glad you said that I was all hyped to start getting some more growth on my conifer screen and was going to try to find something hotter than 10-10-10, though mine are 2 years in the ground think they could handle a bit more than 10-10-10?
  19. Derek Reese 29

    Do radishes typically start growing again in the spring?

    Here’s a pic of my front was so warm this winter a bit north of you Pat that they barely touched the turnips and now most of them (the lighter shade of green) are starting to bolt..I’ll take the free seed when I mow it in the late summer! Maybe next winter will be cold enough for them...