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  1. Telemark

    Time to lighten up - Laughter is good medicine Part II

    Is that what that was? Well it's nice for them that they get paid to play sports at a high school level. Any idea what their salary is? I feel a transition coming on.
  2. Telemark

    Cleaning and freezing catfish?

    Same. It's VERY important that air does not get in contact with the fish. Even if the meat is frozen, the air will oxidize the fat and make it rancid. This applies to all meat, actually. Unfortunately, vacuum bags have a tendency to get damaged and lose their vacuum. This lets air in, which...
  3. Telemark

    New York City?

    I wouldn't write off a whole city or state just because the people in charge are shitheads. The whole country is run by shitheads, but it's still a great place. NYC isn't a place to live, in my opinion, but neither is Cambodia. I still enjoy visiting both of those places, for various...
  4. Telemark

    32-0-0 vs 41-0-0, ammonium nitrate vs urea?

    It depends on the price, but generally AN is more reliable than urea. About 20% of the urea you broadcast will be lost to the atmosphere. AN is more stable, and loss should be around 3%. So if the urea is about 20% cheaper than the AN, it's probably a wash(adjusted for the percentage of...
  5. Telemark

    Weedy food plot magic

    45 bucks for the seeds plus 45 bucks for the shipping. Plus a bit extra for a couple inoculants. I will have to just call them and pay the overseas rate I guess.
  6. Telemark

    Weedy food plot magic

    Albert Lea still hasn't shipped my soybeans that I ordered 4 weeks ago. Is this normal?
  7. Telemark

    Keep gravel drive weed free

    I spray gly mixed with 2,4D and then harrow the driveway with a chain harrow. I do it once a year in the summer. It helps keep gravel on top instead of decayed leaves and moss that the weed seeds seem to like to grow in.
  8. Telemark

    Catscratch House and Habitat build

    My understanding is that the dramatic hormone swings are what cause the biggest bucks to shed earlier than the smallest bucks. I don't think whitetails start growing antlers until the end of March in most of their range. You should see the red deer where I live. The big boys lost their...
  9. Telemark

    Light pin strikes?

    Is it a semi-auto with direct impingement? If so, it probably needs a cleaning, like Native mentioned.
  10. Telemark

    What is this and how do i handle it?

    Tent caterpillar. Try biological warfare(Bacillus thuringiensis).
  11. Telemark

    Stark Bros Sale

    Thanks a lot! I just spent $225. 😆
  12. Telemark

    Chief River Nursery

    I'm in the opposite situation. I was certain I ordered trees and scions, but I was wrong. So I had to buy whatever was left on clearance. I'm ordering early for next Spring.
  13. Telemark

    Another DR apple

    Looks great. Not too descriptive on the taste though. Is it as good as a Goldrush?
  14. Telemark

    Habitat out loud

    I would remove the bark if possible.
  15. Telemark

    Habitat out loud

    Birch breaks down faster than anything else I've seen. Might be good if you have some around. I like splitting logs into quarters for hoog beds. Bark is designed to protect the wood, so increasing the surface area of the bare wood accelerates decomposition. But yeah, it takes a long time...
  16. Telemark

    They continue to impress me

    This the kind of crap I'm talking about. It almost encourages poaching. If a poacher gets caught half the time, they're in the black. I have never been checked for a tag while hunting, ever, anywhere. I have been checked for a fishing license several times in Ontario and once in Norway. The...
  17. Telemark

    Scion length

    Generally, I do 2 buds on a bench graft. Exactly like people said above, the second one is just for insurance. In winter, the shorter of the two gets clipped off. When field grafting, I am starting to use larger and larger scions. I'm using a technique I can't remember the name of, but...
  18. Telemark

    They continue to impress me

    I think wildlife violation penalties are so far behind the times that every new law needs to include an inflation clause. There are so many states where the fine for poaching is equal to or less than the cost of hiring an outfitter. And of course, enforcement is generally pathetic. I have...
  19. Telemark

    Encouraging Article on CWD in Missouri

    I'm not sure. I hunt in Holmes county in Ohio, where it's not much of an issue. The one time there was a scare, we did drive all our deer in to be tested. Because I'm outside the US now, a lot of the state level websites are blocked for me, so I am unable to check the details.
  20. Telemark

    Encouraging Article on CWD in Missouri

    But do you wear your seatbelt when you travel in a car? Do you have insurance on your house? Do you concealed carry? Why not have your deer tested for CWD? Or are you saying you would eat it regardless of the results?