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    G&H Farms

    Chickasaw plums at their prime right now
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    G&H Farms

    A few more tonight
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    Seed drills before and after

    My biggest reason for buying a woods seeder was time savings. I plant about 40 acres a year with a seeder and saw a substantial time savings. I rented a drill on one property before I bought and that showed me how much time I could save. I wouldnt really say I saw much improvement in my plots -...
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    Seed drills before and after

    While I dont have a drill - I have a woods seeder. It allowed me to do more acres in the same amount if time. I used to spray, mow, disk, spread seed, and cover. I went over each plot five times. Now, depending upon the condition of the plot, I may spray, and/or mow, and plant. I save either two...
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    Yankee Came Down😉

    On another forum, a good ol boy from Ohio was coming down to the sweltering south for a short vacation with his family, 45 minutes from my place. He is a hunter and was curious about maybe working in a short hog hunt one night. Several forum members offered something up but mostly woods to hunt...
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    32-0-0 vs 41-0-0, ammonium nitrate vs urea?

    If I want to put some nitrogen on my millet - does it matter which of these products I use? Yes, I realize it would take more of the 32-0-0 for the same amount of nitrogen as the 41-0-0?
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    G&H Farms

    My hogs graze clover like a deer. They eat the seed heads off wheat or rye. They do very little rooting on my place - except when the native pecans drop - then they root a circle around every pecan tree
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    G&H Farms

    A couple weeks ago the grass and weeds were so tall in this food plot couldnt see to shoot a hog away from the feeder Hogs got it pretty well cleaned up now. Mostly just the clover left. Too wet to get a tractor in there to bush hog
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    This is an interesting listing

    Two bucks? For $12 million - I invest it and draw $400k after tax. Spend a month in south america shooting doves, ducks, and perdiz, spend a month in Africa and shoot a tusker, a tuskless, a couple of cape buffalo, and tons of plains game. Still $275k left for some north american hunts - elk...
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    G&H Farms

    Yes. Extremely high humidity the last few days. 94% humidity right now at 11:30 pm. Have had several days low nineties. Supposed to hit low 90’s this weekend. Four inches rain over last two days. More heavy rain predicted next two days
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    G&H Farms

    New Peach pickin time. Been eating peach salsa and sliced peaches. Made some peach sauce out of these for pouring over ice cream and to make some jam. Going to clean the tree off tomorrow if weather permits.
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    G&H Farms

    They say wet years are good for antler growth. Wouldnt doubt my deer are growing webs in their hooves
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    Weedy food plot magic

    of considerable note also, for me, I still cant get my tractor to 2/3’s of my plots nor my SxS to half of them - too wet
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    Weedy food plot magic

    Weeds are the only thing that keeps my perennial clover from burning up every summer. Weeds shade the clover and many of the weeds are browsed by deer.
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    They continue to impress me

    Probably just charge residents $5 more and break even. Residents probably be willing to pay to keep out the oosers
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    They continue to impress me

    I do, but when you only own 350 acres, there is only so much controlling you can do. I feel like I make a difference. My fawn recruitment numbers are better than the statewide average - every little bit helps.
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    Sunflower help for 1st timer... This might help
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    G&H Farms

    Bucks starting to show a little something
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    G&H Farms

    I guided and son shot last night. Never saw the big boar below. He was there early this morning, licking the feeder motor May have to set the alarm clock for 4 am and go after him
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