Search results

  1. hillrunner

    Hunting / recreation and timberland values in your location?

    That sounds crazy, where is this? What are the primary ag uses for the land? Roughly what would land rent be for ag use land? This is a big country but that sounds like a whole different world than here.
  2. hillrunner

    Bag spreader

    I've done it plenty, works good. In fact, I'm going to spread a couple hundred pounds of oats with one tomorrow.
  3. hillrunner

    Controlling Marestail in 3 different scenarios

    I'm sure that'd work for spot spraying. I think you'd be ok without the surfactant or crop oil. The main concern is not to let the mairstail get too big. I'd spray asap.
  4. hillrunner

    Controlling Marestail in 3 different scenarios

    Nope, you'd be safe. Just make sure you use around 20 gallons of water per acre and spray in the heat of the day. Liberty should nuke the marestail.
  5. hillrunner

    Controlling Marestail in 3 different scenarios

    Are you open to picking up some liberty herbicide?
  6. hillrunner

    Arrowhead and other historic/pre-historic collections

    I posted the pictures to some fossil/bone experts and I'm told it's bison. It's not as cool as all the arrow heads you guys find but I still think it's neat.
  7. hillrunner

    Bought Anything Lately That Met Your Expectations?

    Yes, here it is eligible. This alfalfa seeding is actually part of an nrcs program. When I called the farm services office to get confirmation that alfalfa would be eligible for crop history, they not only confirmed that it was, they directed me to this nrcs program. The only stipulation is...
  8. hillrunner

    Bought Anything Lately That Met Your Expectations?

    The main project I bought it for is I'm taking 15 acres of rough pasture ground and converting it into alfalfa (the ultimate goal is to get it eligible for CRP which would put it back to its natural state). I need to move and smooth a lot of dirt for this project. There are tons of applications...
  9. hillrunner

    Bought Anything Lately That Met Your Expectations?

    I recently bought this old miskin 7 yard dirt scraper. It's capable of moving a small mountain of dirt a day with a decent tractor in front and it didn't cost much. This tree gator puller is another recent purchase I've been happy with. It's built like a tank and takes abuse like one. I've...
  10. hillrunner

    They continue to impress me

    Great fishing too!
  11. hillrunner

    They continue to impress me

    How far west in south Dakota? The south Dakota land in my neck of the woods (se) is cheaper for farm ground but higher for rough ground.
  12. hillrunner

    They continue to impress me

    I have no inside information but I doubt this had anything to do with local landowners trying to protect deer. Deer hunters don't have that kind of pull with the governor. Iowa is run by big ag and i think that's where you will find the culprits. My guess would be farm bureau is likely one of...
  13. hillrunner

    Arrowhead and other historic/pre-historic collections

    Any tooth experts here? I was walking along a pond this morning (hoping to find an arrowhead) and spotted this. I had this pond built about 10ish years ago. This tooth would have been buried under several feet of dirt before that time. It's very heavy, possibly fossilized? My first thought...
  14. hillrunner

    They continue to impress me

    I live in Sioux County, you are correct. Major livestock area and extremely expensive land. Feed lots, large dairies, and hog confinements are everywhere. I'm a contractor and it's a great place to be for that business, not so great for my land owning ambitions though. I own some land...
  15. hillrunner

    Another Neighbor Thread

    I'd be frustrated if I were you. "Good fences make good neighbors" comes to mind. I like the suggestions about knocking some posts in the ground to mark the boundary. I've done that on a couple properties where there is no fence to mark. It's just better if everyone knows where the line is.
  16. hillrunner

    They continue to impress me

    What is getting your fawns typically?
  17. hillrunner

    Treestand Recommendations

    Does the m150 seat fold up so you can stand close to the tree instead of sticking out?
  18. hillrunner

    Fish structures

    What depth are you guys putting the structure at? I have a rebuilt pond that is slowly filling with all the rain we've been getting, and I'd like to throw some structure in.