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  1. bwoods11

    $70.00 cam

    They are very good cameras !
  2. bwoods11

    New York City?

    Keep in mind a lot of NY is red and I would consider that . The city is the liberal wasteland! I’m in the same boat in Minnesota. The county I’m in votes Republican & Trump at a rate of 72%. Minneapolis is the problem !
  3. bwoods11

    Hunting / recreation and timberland values in your location?

    EHD has been hard on parts of Iowa. Most states unfortunately are not as good as they were even 5 yrs ago.
  4. bwoods11

    Hunting / recreation and timberland values in your location?

    I think the hype caught up to Buffalo County and it’s not what it used to be . I spoke with an Outdoor Channel guy (one of US top archers)… He sold in Buffalo County Wisconsin and moved to Warren County, Iowa. His in depth study — pics and sightings comparisons—were 5-1 Pope & Young bucks in...
  5. bwoods11

    New York City?

    Cross this place off the visit list! Wow, what a political hell hole! Won’t step foot in this city. Sad day !
  6. bwoods11

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    CVI Refinery of gas & fertilizer plants as well. Currently at $27.47 Dividend is $2 (7.28%) . There’s talk/rumor of a sale of the fertilizer plants ? At this price I think it’s a buy !
  7. bwoods11

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    I had read they can’t get financing for their projects ? I have 300 shares, but it’s only 50 cents a share. So I’m not risking much ?
  8. bwoods11

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    You think it will make it long term TELL. ?
  9. bwoods11

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    I guess I probably would not buy at this price ? So hard to predict though!
  10. bwoods11

    This is an interesting listing

    For 12 million you could buy an elk ranch with a million $$ lodge . I’d go that route !
  11. bwoods11

    Bought Anything Lately That Met Your Expectations?

    They help with cost share to plant it ??
  12. bwoods11

    They continue to impress me It’s under the Legislation forum …
  13. bwoods11

    They continue to impress me

    It’s very hard to find an alternative of really good buck quality and the high cash rents of Iowa rec/farm land . It was so undervalued for many years, I’m just glad I bought when I was a young.
  14. bwoods11

    They continue to impress me

    Yes definitely! We used to fish by Pierre and did well with walleyes, caught salmon on Oahe as well .
  15. bwoods11

    They continue to impress me

    I was thinking Missouri River corridor. Timbered daws with mix of farm land —whitetail & muleys .
  16. bwoods11

    They continue to impress me

    Iowa is a strange state as you have a lot of locals that welcome you, but there are others that are highly protective of deer tags & really don’t want any Non Residents in their territory! It’s to the point lately that I feel like I do not truly own my land due to the restrictions . I’m gonna...
  17. bwoods11

    They continue to impress me

    This one is tough to follow. Normally the Farm Bureau is anti-deer ! They do not like that young farmers can’t buy land on the cheap —like Hillrunner mentioned. Where can they ? Maybe North Dakota is still somewhat reasonable ? I’m sure land values will drop in some counties with tougher draw...
  18. bwoods11

    They continue to impress me

    I would guess it will be challenged!
  19. bwoods11

    They continue to impress me

    It would depend on the accuracy of the statement made on the Drury video . The DNR employee Suchy (who has since passed away) claims the legislation passed the law . I’m pretty sure you have to get legislation then to change the law ? I’m not 100% sure. I’m guessing it’s not gonna change now ...