Search results

  1. R

    Chief River Nursery

    I used to get all my conifers from them. Their prices seem to of gone through the roof. I order from different places now. If I recall I think their plugs were not priced to bad.
  2. R

    Definitive cuttings propagation list?

    I used to order most of my trees from Chief River. I can't believe their prices now. $9.00 for a 6- 12" seedling! Do people actually pay this? I know the price goes down the more you order but wow.
  3. R

    Tractor HP

    Tractor hp is rated on the pto hp much different than vehicles or riding lawnmower that are engine horsepower. I think you would regret having a Tractor that small. They seem to be more like a toy than a piece of equipment you could actually be productive with. I agree with 356 I would try to...
  4. R

    Black Walnut Wildlife Value

    They were definitely not immature trees. I was guessing on how many they cut. I just saw them next to the road when I drove by. He probably just went with the first "honest "logger he talked to. My friend had a buyer stop by him too, offered him 30k for his. He turned them down.
  5. R

    Black Walnut Wildlife Value

    My neighbor last year had his walnut cut. He ended up with $60,000. It looked like about a $1000 a tree. He said one brought $10,000. All of the trees were being shipped to China. He had some beautiful red oak that the buyer didn't even want. He gave him $75 a stick.
  6. R

    Wisconsin legislators author bill to reduce doe harvest in Northern Zone

    I have land in Rusk county also. It is like Washburn. The northern part is mostly public with a low population. The southern half is private/ farmland with moderate deer numbers. Last year they had over 10,000 doe tags for sale. Basically unlimited doe tags for anyone that wants to hunt here...
  7. R

    Wisconsin legislators author bill to reduce doe harvest in Northern Zone

    This will really throw the buck to doe ratio off.
  8. R

    Spartan Go Cam Smell or sound?

    Yes . I have something going on with this now. I've had my go cams for years and really like them. I have one out now and it seems all the deer are walking out of the food plot and walking up to the tree it on and looking right at it. I wasn't careful like I am during hunting season. I usually...
  9. R

    Wild cranberries anyone?

    I heard they are good for making jams.
  10. R

    One day every three years my place looks like y’all’s!

    Our water lines are buried 3-4 feet deep under the frost line. The plumbing in the houses are usually fine as long as the heat stays on. Now the cabins are a different story. I need to drain all the pipes for winter. Blow them out with a compressor. Rv solution is poured down drains to keep...
  11. R

    Wild cranberries anyone?

    I have never seen them and have hunted all over Wisconsin. One of my friends did say he found them walking in a bog around Black river falls. It would be cool to find some. I heard the deer like them.
  12. R

    Best Midwest bedding/Cover possible?

    My best bedding spots are where we clear cut. The areas came back with a 4 foot tall grass with all kinds of different shrubs. I think it's the mix of grass and shrubs that are the key?. The other spots are aspen and grass/ weed mix. They use the really thick aspen monoculture but don't seem to...
  13. R

    Deer bedding cover

    Absolutely, it sure seem to vary on different parcels.When I had my woods cut I bet I had close to a 1000 red maples cut. The following winter every single stump with sprouts was heavily browsed. This went on for the next 4-5 years. Now on year 8 all those maples are over 12 feet tall. They...
  14. R

    New skid steer and brush cutter

    That's a awesome machine. Love the cat skidsteers. They are built like a tank. That thing should make work on your farm alot more enjoyable.
  15. R

    Alder shearing/ usda program

    Thank you. It was about 90 percent upland. Alot of it was on a ridge. The 10 percent wetland caused some problems with my contractor. With all the upland he didn't need the ground to be really frozen so he wanted to get after my project right away. Without any frost he didn't want to cut the...
  16. R

    Alder shearing/ usda program

    All that's left over from 12 ft high alder so thick you couldn't walk thru.
  17. R

    Alder shearing/ usda program

    I made a few drumming logs for the grouse.
  18. R

    Alder shearing/ usda program

    Finally made it up to the land to see alder cutting in person. Wow, it looked like a different property. It went from an area that was so thick you couldn't hardly walk thru to looking like a park. I was surprised to see so many large trees that were left. I guess they blended in with in the...
  19. R

    Fruit trees/nut trees/shrubs for deer that love wet soil

    Some times they can look almost identical. One sure way to tell is to cut the stem. ROD will have a white pith. The silky will have a pink/ salmon colored pith.
  20. R

    Fruit trees/nut trees/shrubs for deer that love wet soil

    I plant both. They definitely prefer the ROD for browse but will hit both even in the same area. It will probably get you more cover faster with the silky.