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  1. D

    Bark graft pear tree success timeframe

    First time grafting. I grafted two scions per tree on 4/21. My moonglows have buds swelling, but my wild pear scions are not. How much longer until I know whether they took? I know my scions are a little longer than normal.
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    Scion length

    Is there rough length that scions should be when bench grafting? I've seen some very short ones and I'm questioning if mine were too long? What's the rule of thumb?
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    Bark grafts & frost

    I tried my hand at bark grafting to 4 pear trees yesterday at my camp. These were supposed to be Nativ Nursey deer pears that after 7 years turned out more like a Callery pear. Anyway, this morning it touched 30 degrees and we had a light frost. There are a couple days in the next week it...
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    New ATV sprayer suggestions

    Looking for a 25 Gallon ATV sprayer with a boom. This would be a rear rack one or I do have the option of going 3-pt, but don't really need the bigger size. Recommendations on a brand? Looking at North Star, Fimco, Green Leaf. Leaning towards the North Star based on reviews and price.
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    Pruning help

    My pear trees are loaded with pears this year, but the central leaders and some limbs are too weak and seriously bending. I have since removed a lot of pears since I took the pictures. How much should I prune off these branches that can't support the weight?
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    Weed control

    I've always used RoundUp around my fruit trees, but was wondering if it was safe to use the homemade concoction of Dawn, vinegar, salt instead?
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    Fuji vs Yellow Delicious

    Which would you prefer for deer in SW PA?
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    Will trees survive?

    I had a bear snap two of my 3 year old apple trees half way up from the trunk. I made a clean cut at the snap. Will they regrow or are they toast?
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    Why I hate tree tubes and bears...

    Went to camp on Sunday to find a bear destroyed about half of my 3 year old apple tree seedlings that are still in tubes. The bear was after the wasps nests inside of the tubes. In the midst of trying to fix a couple that weren't snapped in half, I got stung twice. My biggest regret when I...
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    When to remove tree tube?

    For apple and pear trees specifically, when is it time to remove the tree tube? All of the trees I planted 3 years ago are now out of the tubes and some have decently long horizontal branches. When is it time to actually remove the tube?
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    Seeding rate for clover with winter rye cover crop

    What is the recommended seeding rate for ladino clover when mixed with a winter rye cover crop? The seed will be drilled.
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    Best clover for longevity

    I know there are lots of different clover types out there. What is the best for longevity? Hoping to get 3 years out of the plot. Is it worth it to buy the Whitetail Institute brand specifically for deer?
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    Staking trees

    Is there a way to tell if my apple/pear trees need to be staked down? I've read some people say they do it to all their trees and some say only if necessary because it can hurt a tree that doesn't need it.
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    Fertilizing schedule

    First time post on here. I was a long time member of the QDMA site before it dissolved. Question, I have a variety of fruit trees 2-3 year old trees and have read conflicting advice on fertilizer applications. What have you guys used that seems to work the best? I have assorted apple, Kieffer...