Search results

  1. Catscratch

    Light pin strikes?

    Did some shooting today and a few did not fire. Ammo is old but stored well. Primer isn't dented as much as I think it should be but figured I'd ask the pro's; gun issue or ammo issue?
  2. Catscratch


    Thinking of getting blackberries to replace some trees in the orchard that didn't come out of winter. Not interested in anything that has thorns or that will spread to the pastures. Any suggestions? I'm in South Central KS, zone 7a. Or maybe suggest a different berry or shrub? I'm open to...
  3. Catscratch

    Steel Targets?

    I'm looking at getting a couple of steel targets. I usually just shoot stuff, but would like a couple to make semi permanent. Been looking at Amazon. Are there better places to shop? Intrigued by the reactive ones (smaller round plate that spins to the other side of the target when hit)...
  4. Catscratch

    Morels 2024

  5. Catscratch

    Vetch/Alyce clover mix specs?

    I'm wanting to try a Aeschynomene/Alyce clover mix. I know Baker used to do it but I haven't found the specific mix. Anyone know how many pounds of each per acre?
  6. Catscratch

    Pruning during bloom?

    Any reason to not go ahead and prune what I didn't get done during dormancy? Or should I wait until they are done blooming?
  7. Catscratch

    Maybe same deer...

    Found a yr apart. Same deer? I'm always interested in jumps from yr to yr. If they are the same deer it's obviously bigger than last yr, but not a lot bigger. Thoughts?
  8. Catscratch


    Anyone put grit piles (sand and calcium) for quail? I've heard of it for doves and believe we have a member that considered doing it for grouse...
  9. Catscratch

    Burning grassland for quail?

    Give specifics on burning for quail; months, speed, frequency, etc? Reasons (such as burning after May to encourage forbs)?
  10. Catscratch

    Burning and mature trees?

    Got some forest I want to burn. I believe fire is an amazing management tool and have burned pasture somewhat often. But.... I'm worried about burning this bluff full of mature oak trees. There's evidence of damage from a previous fire and I don't want to finish any of them off. The previous...
  11. Catscratch

    Multiple Tactacams?

    I love my Tactacam cellular! Thinking I'd like to have another or 2. But, I don't want to spend a fortune on cellular plans. Is there a way to get multiple plans cheaper than the full $120/yr unlimited plan? Is there a multiple discount or something similar?
  12. Catscratch

    Age? Much future in him?

    I know this buck well; bedding area and travel patterns. I think he has a chance to get bigger, but not sure he'll ever gain much mass or more points. As it sits he's taking up a spot that one of our younger 10's might take over if he disappeared. What says you guys; choot him if given a...
  13. Catscratch

    Flail mower and dirt?

    Just curious about if a flail mower could be used as a shallow tiller type of thing? I'm wondering just how useful one of these things might be... mow plots and thickets, maybe a light tillage machine, take down small trees (saplings), and what else? I'm seriously considering one for a skid...
  14. Catscratch

    Over wintering potted trees?

    I'm dreading the idea of digging them in and protecting them with window screen. I've proven several times that if I leave them out they will either die or get snipped off at the base/dirt level. Could bring them into the basement but don't want the mess. I have an unheated shop, but don't...
  15. Catscratch

    Rope height for licking/scrape?

    I put this up yesterday. Had some curious critters overnight but none committed to using it. Of course I have a couple that were only interested in where I touched the post, but overall I think they were in the right frame of mind. Do I have the rope too high? It didn't seem all that high...
  16. Catscratch

    Kansas lawmakers threaten wildlife department funding

    Bold to outright threaten a million off the top and to pursue every line item to find more they can cut from the department of wildlife. As dirty as politicians can get! No wonder game laws get so screwed up. To listen to the meeting made me sick...
  17. Catscratch

    Grafting Persimmons step by step

    A few years ago I planted 25 seedlings from Kansas Forestry. I think it's time for me to learn grafting. I've watched several video's but want to ask you experts also. Step by step. Include when and how to collect scion wood. Pretend I'm a complete idiot and don't know what I'm doing. edit...
  18. Catscratch

    Sheep hunt?

    I've always admired and lusted for a Big Horn Sheep. I'll never get a tag or be able to afford a true hunt for one. So... if a guy was to look for a budget hunt (even high fenced) for something that resembled a full curl ram what's available? Just to give background; I've never been on a...
  19. Catscratch

    Catscratch House and Habitat build

    I kind of thought I had started land thread on this forum, but I can't seem to find one so I must not have. I'll start one and add to it little by little. I'll have to backtrack a ways but I can probably find enough pics to describe what I've done and keep it interesting. 8 years ago the...
  20. Catscratch

    What killed this limb?

    What did this? I was walking the orchard and about 3' of a limb was hanging with black leafs. Pear tree. It was barely hanging so I grabbed it and took a look. Hole down the middle and what likes like a clean cut going out. Didn't see it anywhere else on any of the other trees.